Difference Between Bakery and Meat Glazed Products

in Product

Glazing is a cooking technique whereby a dish after its preparation is coated with glazing agents such as egg whites, icing agents. A glaze can also refer to those foods that are coated with materials to give them a shinier coating. Glazing is done to a food so as to make them more pleasing; examples include addition of egg white to some baked bakery products to give them a shiny glaze. The glazing may also result in basting food with liquid, as it is done to a meat during the cooking process. Different dishes have their various glaze recipes, and they are done particularly for doughnuts, candies, pastries, meat dishes and more.


It is just like giving a nice touch to something, adding glaze to your baked goods can take it to the next level. Glazing bakery products is just a medium of adding extra sweetness to your baked goods. For glazing bakery products, egg whites and the basic icing materials are used as glazes, and they comprise of sugar, milk oil and butter. A glazed doughnut is made from the mixture of sugar and water after which the doughnut is dipped into. Likewise, in some, the dough is brushed with egg whites. Glazing bakery products gives it a good appearance to the eye, as well as giving it a nice appeal when packaged. When it is consumed, it provides a moist, tender flavour. Also adds a reasonable shelf life to the product, but note that the quality of the produce decreases as its shelf life increases.


Glazing unlike the marinade is an external coating applied to a meat. Jellies and jam can be used as glaze for meat products, they tend to seep through into the meat. Most glazes for meat are served straight from the bottle. Before it is applied, it is advised that one should warm the glaze for few minutes in the microwave. Most glazes for meat products are applied before the final process of cooking the meat, for example it is applied on BBQ by pouring the glaze over the uncooked meat in a bowl or dish, do this hygienically, using clean utensils. Ensure both sides of the meat are glazed, you can achieve this by turning the meat over and coating the two sides with the glaze.


If you intend to glaze a specific part of the meat and not everything, you use a pastry brush to apply the glaze on the meat part before cooking. Glazes are applied to meat products before the final cooking process like grilling, making BBQ, smoking, or placed on a roaster or oven.

For bakery products, glazing improves the appearance of a food, but on the long run causes harm to the eater due to the use of glazing materials of wax based polish like beeswax, candilla wax, shellac wax etc. Also, the over exposure of glazed recipes as it is done in bakery products to the likes of doughnuts over a very long time deteriorates the quality of the food.


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